Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Southern Traditions

    It's that time again!  The Statesboro Kiwanis Fair has blown in with the crisp fall weather.  The Statesboro Fair is an event celebrated by all ages and remains a top priority of all Statesboro residents.  The flashing lights and sweet smell of fried Oreos and Twinkies draw the southern population in like mosquitoes to a black light.
    Overwhelmed by the shouts of the Carnies begging for "just one more player", it's easy to become engrossed in the dream world.  Masses of people swamp the carnival rides that only know two directions: vertical and spin.  Stuffed animals larger than some adult beckon in the younger audiences and parents spend 20 after 20 to knock down just one stupid metal bottle.
     Why do we subject ourselves to this year after year? It's tradition! Besides, where can you watch a steeplechase for pigs, eat a plate full of pancakes, view a quilt show, show your prize calf, and get so dizzy you could vomit all in the same place?  Only in the South.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Tami! I want to go to the fair :). How long is it in Statesboro?
